Spaß für Kids

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Eine Fantasiewelt

Mithilfe der Navigatoren (unsere speziellen Animateure) betreten Kinder eine Welt voller Abenteuer. Ein Miniclub, der dem Bedarf verschiedener Altersgruppen angepasst ist und in dem Kinder kreative Aktivitäten, Workshops, Basteleien, Wasserspiele, Sportwettbewerbe und vieles andere mehr erleben können. Im Sol Barbados kommt keine Langeweile auf und Ihre Kinder werden einen wirklich legendären Urlaub erleben.

a group of children sitting around a table
a room with a pool and toys
a water park with a large pool and people walking around

Brand expressions

a large stuffed bear and toys in a playroom

Baby Club Dreamers

A special space for the babies in the family. Kids aged from 8 months to 4 years old can enjoy specially designed activities accompanied by our monitors.

a room with a pool and toys

Miniclub Explorers

Little adventurers will find just the right place. A holiday full of games and fun for kids aged 5 to 12.

a room with tables and chairs


The favourite place for teenagers. Activities, workshops and sports adapted to the needs of kids their age. They won’t have a second to be bored!

In essence

a building with a clock on the front
a group of people posing for a picture
a building with a garden and bushes
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Discover our brands

  • luxury
  • premium
  • essential