restaurace aduana

Exploring the World of Spices

Středomořská kuchyně

A Journey of Gastronomy

A haven of sophistication nestled on the seventh floor where breathtaking panoramic views embrace Colon Square and the refined Salamanca District. Aduana, named after the commencement point of Cristobal Colon’s historic journey to the New World, is a haven of sophistication that delivers a fusion, a la carte experience.

Discover our cuisine

a bowl of food on a table

a plate with food on it

a plate of food on a table

Gastronomic proposal

a bowl of food with shrimp and vegetables
a table with food and wine glasses on it
a plate with food on it
1 / 3
a city street with a fountain and buildings
a room with tables and chairs
a table set for a dinner party
a city street with cars and buildings
a table and chairs on a rooftop
See gallery

Culinary spaces

The Restaurant

Elevated Elegance

The Terrace

Supreme Views with Stylish Ambiance

Services and facilities

  • Přizpůsobeno pro osoby se sníženou pohyblivostí
  • Venkovní prostory
  • Vinný sklep
  • Přizpůsobeno osobám s alergiemi a intolerancemi
  • Sommelier
  • Klimatizace
  • Terasa
a room with tables and chairs

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