
托雷莫利诺斯 的酒店



有些人将热闹的海滨大道比作小型的迈阿密海滩。炸鱼和烤沙丁鱼取代了汉堡,成为了最受游客欢迎的美食。海滨的一侧是蔚蓝大海,另一侧散布着沙滩酒吧和商店,充满浓浓的度假氛围。市中心的步行街时常举办适合儿童参加的活动。您可沿着 El Bajondillo 的台阶前行,观赏两侧建筑外墙上的鲜花,悠闲地走向海岸。美丽的洛斯阿拉莫斯海滩是当地最受欢迎的海滩之一,拥有白色沙滩和繁茂的棕榈树林,可饱览一望无际的地中海风光。此外,您还可漫步于圣米格尔街 (Calle San Miguel) 和塔霍街 (Cuesta del Tajo) ,欣赏 Torre de Pimentel 。


a swimming pool with palm trees and a building
a hotel room with a large window and chairs
a room with a large brick archway and a couch
a room with blue chairs and a table
a restaurant with tables and chairs
  • 室外游泳池
  • 恒温泳池
  • 高速无线网络
a pool with lounge chairs and a building
a room with white furniture and blue chairs
a room with blue furniture and a table
a room with a couch and table and tv
  • 商店
  • 街机游戏
  • Wi-Fi
a beach with a swimming pool and buildings
a large group of buildings with swimming pools and a parking lot
a large pool with palm trees and buildings in the background
a swimming pool with palm trees and a building
  • 全天候开放的健身房
  • 会议室
  • 恒温泳池
a pool with palm trees and a beach
a bedroom with a large bed and a television
a buffet with fruit on the counter
a pool with palm trees and a building with a body of water in the background
a pool with a railing and palm trees
  • Direct beach access
  • 健身房
  • 会议室
a pool with palm trees and a building in the background
a patio with a couch and chairs
a couch in a room
a pool with palm trees and buildings in the background
a room with chairs and tables
  • 室外游泳池
  • 室内游泳池
  • 会议室
a deck with white beds and a glass railing overlooking the water
a room with chairs and tables
a room with a bed and chairs and a television
a aerial view of a resort with a beach and a lot of cars
  • 健身房
  • 室外游泳池
  • 顶层
a pool with chairs and a building
a white couches and a yellow chair in a room with columns
a room with a bed and a table and chairs and a balcony with a view of the ocean
a room with tables and chairs
a room with a piano and chairs
  • 室外游泳池
  • 恒温泳池
  • 会议室
a city with a body of water
a group of people walking along a beach
a street with signs and people walking
a group of fish on a stick
气候一般来说比较暖和。每年都有 300 多天的日照。年平均温度为 18⁰C。


  • luxury
  • premium
  • essential