
Parque Nacional de Iguazú

La energía que desprende esta maravilla de la naturaleza es brutal. El espectáculo visual y sonoro de sus mundialmente famosas cataratas es inolvidable. Uno de los mejores lugares del mundo para desconectar.

Our hotels in Parque Nacional de Iguazú

a pool with a deck and chairs
a table and chairs with a view of a river and trees
a large room with a large stone floor
a man standing on a deck with a drink in his hand
a woman in a pool with a waterfall
  • Centro de Bienestar
  • Spa
  • Gimnasio
a waterfall in a forest
a large waterfall with trees around it
a group of people standing on a bridge over a large waterfall
a walkway leading to a waterfall

Discover our brands

  • luxury
  • premium
  • essential