
格拉纳达 的酒店



格拉纳达是西班牙最重要的城市之一。若是来此度假,那么不妨将大教堂作为旅程的起点。大教堂旁边是天主教君主专用的皇家礼拜堂。阿尔拜辛区别具一格的美丽房屋与街巷尽显阿拉伯及旧时地中海传统建筑的特色,已被联合国教科文组织列为世界遗产。圣山 (Sacromonte) 是城市另一个赫赫有名的地区,也是弗拉门戈舞的发源地。每天,"zambras"(岩洞)都会举办舞蹈表演,绝对不容错过。 观看表演之前,您不妨先在市区享用精致可口的当地菜肴,为身体补充能量。


a building with snow on the ground
a restaurant with a fireplace
a bedroom with two beds and a table
a large indoor pool with a glass roof
a pool with water jets and a waterfall
  • 直接通往滑雪场
  • 滑雪学校
  • 水疗
a room with tables and chairs
a restaurant with tables and chairs
a table and chairs on a balcony overlooking a city
a restaurant with tables and chairs
  • 会议室
  • 宴会
  • VIP 休息室
a room with a fireplace and chairs
a living room with a fireplace and a table
a room with two beds and a table with a glass door
a room with couches and a fireplace
a living room with a couch and a table
  • 直接通往滑雪场
  • 滑雪学校
  • 水疗
a pool with a slide on it
a courtyard with many plants
a white tower with a table and chairs on a beach
a patio with chairs and tables and a beach
a room with a bed and glass doors
  • 室外游泳池
  • 家庭房
  • 私人停车场
a building with a pool of water
a stone building with columns and arches
a close up of a tile
a table with candles and a mirror in a room with a window
a city with trees and mountains in the background
a street with people walking down it
a sign with writing on it
城市设有约 100 个免费公共无线网络的连接点,大都位于广场和市政建筑。
夏季晴朗炎热,冬季寒冷短暂。年平均气温在 0⁰C 至 34⁰C 之间。


  • luxury
  • premium
  • essential