restaurante syndeo

Cocina internacional

De los Andes peruanos a Japón

De acuerdo a su filosofía “All Day Dinning”, INNSiDE Palma Bosque te permite saborear a cualquier hora del día casi 40 platos originales y diferentes. Una cocina divertida, abierta y cambiante, con una propuesta gastronómica desenfadada. Y con alimentos y platos específicos para celiacos (consulta en recepción en el momento de la reserva).

Bebidas variadas
Todo tipo
Normas de etiqueta

Propuesta gastronómica

a counter with food items on it
a room with tables and chairs
a room with tables and chairs
a table with food on it
1 / 4
a room with a table and chairs
a buffet with food on the counter
a room with a counter and tables and chairs
a counter with bowls of fruit
a counter with food items on it
a table with a glass of wine and a bowl of fruit
a table with food on it
a display case with drinks and a statue of a rhinoceros
a display case with food and drinks on it
a room with tables and chairs
a table with plants and books
a building with a sign and plants in pots
a building with a sign on the wall
a restaurant with tables and chairs
a patio with tables and chairs
a table and chairs in a room
a patio with tables and chairs
a room with tables and chairs
a burger and fries on a tray
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Servicios e instalaciones

  • Adaptado a alergias e intolerancias
  • Wi-Fi
  • Aire acondicionado
  • Rooftop