

Si hay dos cosas que enorgullecen a los muniqueses son la Oktoberfest y su equipo de fútbol, el Bayern. Sin embargo, la capital de Baviera esconde muchos más atractivos. ¿Quieres descubrirlos?

Nuestros hoteles en Munich

a street with cars parked on it
a lobby with a reception desk and chairs
a reception desk in a building
a room with a bar and chairs
a room with a bar and chairs
  • Gimnasio
  • Salas de reuniones
  • Sala de reuniones privada
a low angle view of a skyscraper
a building with glass walls and a walkway
a building with glass doors
a room with white furniture and a glass table
  • Gimnasio 24h
  • Salas de reuniones
  • Banquetes
a sign outside of a building
a building with a glass front entrance
a lobby of a building with a reception desk and art on the wall
a room with white furniture and glass walls
a group of chairs in a room
  • Gimnasio
  • Salas de reuniones
  • Banquetes
a large ornate hallway with art on the ceiling
a group of people clinking glasses of beer
a building with a blue light
a spiral staircase in front of a building
a city with many buildings and a cloudy sky

Descubre nuestras marcas

  • luxury
  • premium
  • essential