
贝尼多姆 的酒店



来到贝尼多姆度假,首先一定要去地中海观景台。它是欣赏古城美景的最佳地点,由此可眺望长达 6 公里的大片金色沙滩以及大大小小的海湾,而这些地方同样也是值得一游的景点。城市最受欢迎的海滩当属莱万特海滩,其度假氛围相当浓厚。若想要放松一下,则可搭乘旅游专列,前往更适合家庭度假的波尼恩特海滩。此外,您还可在西班牙规模最大的主题公园之一——Terra Mítica 体验肾上腺素飙升的快感。贝尼多姆的海鲜饭堪称西班牙之最,是游客不可错过的一道风味佳肴。


a pool with water fountain and a thatched roof
a pool area with palm trees and people
a hotel room with a bed and a television
a pool with tables and chairs in front of a building
  • 安全
  • 洗衣服务
  • 保险箱
a pool with lounge chairs and a building
a bedroom with a television and a couch
a pool with umbrellas and chairs
a room with wooden tables and chairs
a tall building with lights on it
  • 室外游泳池
  • 家庭房
  • 24 小时接待
a swimming pool with a large building and a large pool
a room with tables and chairs
a house with a pool in front of a city
a room with tables and chairs
  • 健身房
  • 儿童俱乐部
  • 室外游泳池
a large group of buildings with a pool
a water park with a pool and palm trees
a pool with tables and chairs
a room with a bed and a couch
a swimming pool with water jets
  • 水上乐园
  • 儿童俱乐部
  • 健身房
a pool with palm trees and a beach in the background
a room with a glass shelf and a chair
a room with a view of the ocean and a table and chairs
a person holding a pan of food
a building with palm trees
  • Direct beach access
  • 室外游泳池
  • 体验项目
a pool with palm trees and a large building
a reception desk in a building
a building with plants in it
a pool with lounge chairs and palm trees
a hotel room with a bed and a table
  • 健身房
  • 儿童俱乐部
  • 室外游泳池
a fountain in the water
a cat walking on a walkway next to a lamp post with Macau Tower in the background
people on a roller coaster
a city with a body of water and mountains
a city skyline with a body of water
优越的气候条件是其一大优势。这里很少下雨,全年气温在 8⁰C 至 29⁰C 之间。


  • luxury
  • premium
  • essential