
巴拉德罗 的酒店



巴拉德罗拥有珊瑚海滩等众多古巴知名海滩,是游客度假休闲的理想去处。通过潜水或浮潜的方式探索广阔的水下世界是游客不可错过的体验项目。喜欢冒险的游客也可以在此体验水上运动。Saturn 洞穴群和 Varahicacos 生态保护区拥有大量原生动植物,期待游客到此一探究竟。 夜晚,巴拉德罗丰富多彩的夜生活保证让人尽兴。人们都说在海岸边品尝古巴有名的朗姆酒会别有一番风味。


a pool with a large building in the background
a swimming pool and buildings
a pool with lounge chairs and palm trees
a walkway with palm trees and a pool
  • 水疗
  • 健身房
  • 儿童俱乐部
a beach with buildings and blue water
a beach with buildings and blue water
a sailboat on the water
a pool with lounge chairs and a gazebo
  • 健身房
  • 室外游泳池
  • 转为残疾人士打造
a beach with buildings and blue water
a beach with buildings and blue water
a body of water with a dock in the background
a group of boats in water next to a building
  • 健身房
  • 室外游泳池
  • 附近的健康中心
a pool and buildings in a resort
a water with a pool and palm trees
a resort with a pool and a beach
a body of water with a building and palm trees
  • 健身房
  • 室外游泳池
  • 礼宾部
a patio with chairs and a pool in the background
a pool with a lounge chair and a glass of water
a room with tables and chairs
a room with a large window and a couch
  • 健身房
  • 会议室
  • 活动
a beach with buildings and trees
a resort with a pool and a beach
a large resort with a beach and trees
a group of palm trees next to a beach
  • 健康中心
  • 健身房
  • 会议室
a beach with buildings and a sailboat in the water
a large building with a pool and trees on a beach
a pool with people in it
a pool with palm trees and arches
  • 高尔夫球场
  • 健身房
  • 会议室
a group of buildings next to a beach
a palm trees and a building
a walkway between two buildings with palm trees
a walkway with palm trees and houses
  • 健身房
  • 室外游泳池
  • 儿童游乐区
a large building next to a beach
a beach with umbrellas and trees
an aerial view of a resort with a pool and palm trees
  • 健身房
  • 儿童俱乐部
  • 室外游泳池
a swimming pool with a large body of water
a beach with a group of buildings and umbrellas
a beach with buildings and a body of water
a swimming pool with buildings in the background
  • 健康中心
  • 水疗
  • 健身房
a beach with palm trees and blue water
a pool of water next to a building
a man standing at a reception desk in a hotel
an aerial view of a beach with buildings and trees
a beach with buildings and a body of water
  • 健康中心
  • 水疗
  • 健身房
a large lobby with blue lights
a beach with buildings and blue water
a beach with buildings and blue water
an aerial view of a resort with a pool and a building
  • 健身房
  • 儿童俱乐部
  • 会议室
a beach with buildings and a body of water
a beach with buildings and trees on it
a group of tables on a beach
palm trees on a beach
a beach with white sand and blue water
这里属热带气候,很暖和,气温一般都在 19℃ 至 31℃ 之间浮动,非常适合进行水上运动。


  • luxury
  • premium
  • essential