这里波光粼粼的海面下生活着鲸鱼、海豚、海狮等众多海洋生物,因而被海洋学家雅克·科斯托称为“世界的水族馆”。洛斯卡沃斯也是水肺潜水和水上运动爱好者的梦幻探险名单之一。圣何塞-德尔卡沃是典型的墨西哥小镇,街道由鹅卵石铺成,沿街林立着各种各样的小工艺品商店。游客还可选择融入卡波圣卢卡斯热闹的聚会氛围或乘船游览被联合国教科文组织列入自然遗产名录的圣埃斯皮里图。在 Médano 海滩参与刺激的水上运动和在 Cabo Dolphin 与海豚尽情嬉游是另外两项不容错过的精彩体验。
Los Cabos at the southern end of the Baja California peninsula is a destination that combines natural beauty with contemporary luxury. Known for its beautiful scenery, golden sandy beaches and crystal-clear waters, it is an ideal place for travelers seeking both adventure and relaxation.
Los Cabos is a travel destination full of energy and life, famous for its beautiful scenery and beaches that seem like something out of a fairy book. To make the most of everything the city has to offer, it’s vital that you are aware of all the different transport options available.
The destination offers a wide range of memorable experiences. From water sports to cultural activities, there is something for everyone. You can start your day with an enchanting whale watching tour or enjoy a kayak trip through the crystal-clear waters.
Los Cabos is a destination full of life, with attractions for all tastes. From stunning beaches to rich culture, everything you can do in Los Cabos will definitely be memorable.
Fall in love with the rich and varied cuisine in this heavenly corner of the southern Baja California peninsula. Cuisine that reflects its unique natural environment, where the sea and land merge to create a culinary experience that delights all the senses.
Located at the southern end of the Baja California peninsula, Los Cabos is a place that combines the majesty of the desert with the serenity of the ocean. This corner of Mexico is famous for its beautiful scenery, golden-sand beaches and crystal-clear waters.
Los Cabos, at the tip of the Baja California Sur peninsula, is a destination that combines luxury with natural beauty. Known for its golden-sand beaches and crystal-clear waters, it is the perfect place for travelers seeking a luxury break.
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