Gratis aanmelden

Meld u nu aan en ontvang 2.000 welkomstpunten

Belonging means enjoying exclusive offers

MeliáRewards is the Meliá Hotels International loyalty program, where you can enjoy benefits and exclusive offers. Belonging to MeliáRewards means more: more value, because you enjoy points, surprises and discounts; more opportunities, because you can earn and redeem points in a thousand ways; and more time, because you are our priority. The program has 4 levels: White, Silver, Gold and Platinum. As you go up a level you can enjoy more exclusive benefits. With MeliáRewards, belonging means more.

Meer Waarde
Points, discounts and surprises
Meer Mogelijkheden
Use your points in a flexible way
Meer tijd
You are always our priority

Todas las ventajas MeliáRewards aquí y ahora

Hotel stays

Stay with us and earn more points during your stay

The perfect gift

An experience for using or earning MeliáRewards points


Enjoy the finest cuisine and use or earn more points in our restaurants


You can earn or use MeliáRewards points to relax and pamper yourself

Descubre nuestras marcas

  • luxury
  • premium
  • essential