

Manchester desempenhou um papel fundamental na Revolução Industrial, mas há muito mais coisas para visitar, além de belas fábricas antigas convertidas em museus. A biblioteca neogótica da universidade parece ter saído de um livro de Harry Potter.

Os nossos hotéis em Manchester

a city street with a red building and a bridge
a building with a glass wall and a tree in front of it
a building with glass walls and a metal structure
a building with a statue of a horse
a bridge over a street
  • Ginásio aberto 24 horas
  • Eventos
  • Salas de reuniões criativas
a bridge over water with buildings and a bridge in the background
a city with tall buildings and roads
a large stadium filled with people
a building with a fountain in front of it

Conheça nossas marcas

  • luxury
  • premium
  • essential