Recensioni di Meliá Koh Samui

Valutazione media4.6/51096 recensioni

3 Filtri
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Many thanks to Ernesto for helping us making our vacation end up much better with a smile. Ernesto and his team were very thoughtful. It is important to know the managers of the hotel care and involved.

Uri Shmueli



Revisiting this hotel for the 3rd time! Still a great hotel, with great service (thanks especially to Mr Auto) and rooms! Past reviews: One of the best hotels we have ever visited. Perfect for families. The breakfast is great, pool and a “lake” that goes through out the hotel, and the very friendly service from each staff member. Must take the family suite as it’s a huge room with kids sleeping at a separated living room. Special thanks to Mr Keng and Mr Po that made us feel like home! We will definitely want to come back!

Victoria Riesgo



10/10, como cualquier Meliá, no defrauda

VLove Ksa



Amazing place and structure but as concerns the rest , service , drink and food quality versus the high prices requested... it is indeed a No . Staff is also quite cold and it is clear that you are there just to make them making money , it is very impersonal feeling and do not feel the exact tropical vacation style ... or at least what we have encountered in other places in thailand where hospitality is just customer driven .. instead of wallet driven

Sandra Seywald



Schöne Anlage, Preise für Essen und Getränke überdurchschnittlich teuer (vergleichbar mit 5 Sterne Hotels in Europa), unpersönlich, keine Möglichkeit, am Pool oder Strand Badetücher zu bekommen bzw. untertags gegen trockene Badetücher auszutauschen, Kidsclub schließt um 18:00 und bietet Aktivitäten wie „Movie und PlayStation“

Magnifica posizione

Accanto alla splendida spiaggia di Choeng Mon

Collegamenti eccellenti

5km dall'aeroporto e vicino a tutte le principali attrazioni turistiche

Alta cucina

Moderne sale da pranzo. Non perdetevi la Cena romantica Breeza

The Level

Aggiungete un tocco di eleganza ed esclusività al vostro soggiorno con questo servizio superiore


Combinazione di antica saggezza asiatica e moderne tecniche di benessere

Eventi di qualità superiore

Conferenze, ritiri e banchetti speciali in un ambiente idilliaco

Scoprite i nostri brand

  • luxury
  • premium
  • essential