Avis sur Hotel Blue Sea Beach Affiliated by Meliá

Note moyenne4.6/51536 avis

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Honest review of a lovely holiday with issues. We arrived and initially got pushed out the bus on the opposite side of the busy road. We had 2 excited kids that where then along with your bags and luggage a worry at crossing the road. The bus driver after watching us struggle aided in the end. Arrival was ok and shown to the room all great. Lovely staff all round. However not the best room air con coupled with it programmed to go off everytime a door opened. Or the maid turns it off your often coming back to a hot room when your just in need of that cool relief. Further air con issues were present throughout the hotel. Non of it was working outside your room. But worst of all the bar area where it was a struggle to sit and enjoy any entertainment as it was never on throughout our stay. The buffet style restaurant was good. I enjoyed the food. However there is no children’s section at all. You are not greeted and seated at the door it is a find a space and sit. Also be prepared for staff to approach you asking if you want to join in the bbq night. It comes with a €25 up charge pp. there is a lot of this up charging throughout the place. Want a milkshake. Upcharge. Want a sex on the beach. Not included in all inclusive. Up charge. The work around is fruit punch non alcoholic with a shot of Vodka. No slush or lolly’s the resort at all. Bar shuts at 1am. Although you’re all inclusive is no good at all after 12. Everything is premium for this hour. Large bottles of water at the bar are also up charge. Order 5/6 smaller bottles as the work around. The buffet staff won’t let you take there bottles either. We didn’t make use of our al a carte voucher which is only available once during your stay. The no aircon situation just meant we wouldn’t have enjoyed it. However I’m sure it is worth a trip if you’re here. The snack bar is the shining glory of the place. Really good food throughout the day. Make sure you grab a chicken kebab. Children are not really thought off at all. The children’s disco is 1 rep and a speaker with the same playlist every night. I will go as far to say I’ve never seen a less kid friendly place. The walk along the sea at night is lovely lots happening and lovely sunsets and beach views. We had a private pool room which is a must. The communal pools are small and cramped. There’s only 8 private pool rooms. It is worth the uplift in fee. It was the best part of the holiday. Being able to let your kids play as they want and feel safe and not cramped up is the reason I’ve enjoyed the holiday overall. However the tiles are slippery off the black mesh walkway. Little swimmer shoes are worth grabbing. I really loved the greener scenery rather than a fully tiled resort. The lime and grape trees growing around looked lovely and a massive plus point for me was the more greener resort.

Seberin Luethi



Tipp topp alles

Jens Schünke



Eine tolle Anlage . Unser Zimmer fanden wir etwas klein. Das ist aber Ansichtssache. Tolles Personal und super gelegen.

Kaeru Kodo



Le PARADIS !!! L’endroit est magnifique, seules préoccupations le choix entre plage/ piscine et cocktail ! Tout le personnel est très accueillant et aux petits soins 🥰 Mention spéciale à Maria, la déesse grecque des massages , à Vagelis et son sourire contagieux, à Eleni et Drita pour leur gentillesse, à Thémis pour mes margaritas spéciales , à Manos le roi des bagages, à Pantella pour ses efforts en français et à Kostas pour les quelques heures de bonheur offert avant de quitter cette île aux couleurs du bonheur ! Nous rêvons d’y retourner chaque année ❤️ PARADISE!!! The place is magnificent, the only concerns being the choice between the beach/pool and a cocktail! The staff is very welcoming and attentive 🥰 Special mention to Maria, the Greek goddess of massages, to Vagelis and his infectious smile, to Eleni and Drita for their kindness, to Thémis for my special margaritas, to Manos the king of luggage, to Pantella for her efforts in French, and to Kostas for the few hours of happiness offered before leaving this island of happiness! We dream of returning there every year ❤️

Vera Jacobs



Me and Kate had a great time in this hotel, in this place Stalida

Emplacement de choix

Près d'Héraklion, la capitale de la Crète

Stalis Beach

Un lieu pour perdre du temps

Ammos à la Carte

Un menu délicieux pour les occasions spéciales

Piscines fantastiques

Deux piscines d'eau douce et une autre pour les enfants


Rétablir l'équilibre de votre corps et de votre esprit

Loisirs et divertissement :

Activités en journée et spectacles en soirée pour toute la famille

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