Avis sur Hotel München City Center Affiliated by Meliá

Note moyenne4.1/5573 avis

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toni perez parrado



Calidad precio genial

Michael Leahy



Great hotel close to city, little bit dusty and TV not smart for streaming for International guests

Katja Eckert



Das Zimmer war sehr gut klimatisiert ukd sauber, aber extrem klein unter dem Dach mit einem starken Gestank im Bad. Gutes Frühstück kann auch im Innenhof wahrgenommen werden, der als kleiner Garten gestaltet ist. Der Fitnessraum ist inakzeptabel. Es herrschten am Nachmittag dort hohe Temperaturen, so dass dort an Sport nicht zu denken war. Scheinbar keine Klimatisierung. Man schaut vom Laufband in die Sauna- das muss man mögen…

manolo fernández



Ubicación excepcional. Gran hotel. Buena relación calidad-precio. Personal muy amable.

Dolleen Moller



Unprofessional team at check in!!! Worst check in reception team we have ever encountered. (Check out was a breeze though, the receptionist was very friendly and informative.)We have traveled far and near but not once have we encountered such a team where they gossip about their guests on their faces while smiling at them and not realizing that everyone speaks various languages these days. The arrival experience is very important for a guest!! I could go on but I am not going to waste any more time. I have honestly never been anywhere and met such rude two faced staffs. DO NOT STAY HERE!! It’s definitely not like other Melia properties, we have stayed at their other hotels thinking this would be something similar but no… Others services and room experience was good for us but then again the first impression has left a lasting impact. We are deleting our Melia app and definitely not visiting any other property from them. We advise you of the same, don’t spoil your Munich trip because of this hotel and its team.

Emplacement idéal

Centre-ville de Munich, à 1 km de Karlsplatz-Stachus

Proche de tout

Près du lieu de l'Oktoberfest, du quartier animé de Schwabing et du centre historique

Petit-déjeuner buffet

Varié et sain, avec possibilité de dîner sur la terrasse du jardin

Espace fitness

Avec équipement Technogym, sauna et espace détente avec chaises longues

Parking privé

Parking souterrain de 90 places pour plus de confort (avec supplément)

Réunions et événements

Espace avec lumière naturelle, pauses café et options à la carte pour les groupes

Découvrez nos marques

  • luxury
  • premium
  • essential