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Meghan Turton
“Our stay was excellent, the townhouse room was stunning <3 and by far was better than the room we previously have visited at other hotels , the bed was large and the extra seating area was very comfortable , we also had a really good breakfast and met the friendliest bar staff which had some great conversations with , We will 100% be returning - Meghan”
“First time in Manchester and Innside was a great choice while the room rates were crazy because of the soccer games. Right next to Deansgate station. All public transports were readily available from Deansgate. I walked everywhere and most sites are within 15mins walking distance. Even though it was a very busy weekend for the hotel all staff were really friendly and helpful. The room was basic but had nice view and clean. The only weird thing was that there was no door that separates the bath/shower and the bed. I was ok with thid since I stayed alone. The food (breakfast & dinner) offerings were also sufficient.”
Malik Zaoui
“Good place for relax ..”
“A very fresh, modern hotel that could really do with some old-fashioned hotel service. Ordering room service required at least 4 phone calls, plus a fifth to get a salt shaker that wasn't empty. I have never stayed at a hotel before, that didn't provide courtesy umbrellas. And I don't understand why check-in has to be sooooo slow.”
Zahraa H. Ali
“Stayed in this hotel for 1 night, i dont think ill get a better service with such price! Rooms were extremely clean and wide. The view was super and the location is right in the middle of the city! Note that early check in was given without any extra charges”
Paul Putzeys
tim turtles
“The building works taking place at the moment, remove most of the ground floor bar, seating and restaurant area: and it is builder-noisy during the day- you're not going to have drinks or meet colleagues there at the moment. Fingers crossed when the renovations are done, it gets better.”
“マンチェスターに仕事で行き、数日間滞在しました。 マンチェスターはロンドンほどホテル代は高くないですが、ある程度のランクのホテルは2万円/泊以上(円安の影響もありますが)とややお高いです。そんな中でこちらのホテルは早割を使って朝夕食込みで2万円弱でした。 立地はDeansgateとOxford streetの間で両駅とも近いです。 部屋はstandard roomでしたが、十分広く快適でした。シャワーは上から滝のように落ちてくるタイプと通常のシャワーヘッドとあり、切り替え可能です。水圧は十分です。トイレの流れも問題ありませんでした。お部屋、バスルーム、ベッド、どれも大きくて快適でした。ジュース3種類(リンゴサイダー、オレンジサイダー、レモネード)+水(普通、炭酸)の缶も冷蔵庫に用意してくださりこちらも無料でした。 シャンプー+コンディショナー、ボディソープは備え付けです。歯ブラシ、スリッパ等はありません。冷暖房は自分で調節できます。 部屋の清掃もしてくれますが、お茶やジュースの補充がされていなかったり、シーツを2-3日交換してくれなかったりがありました。電話したらやってくれましたが、数時間しても来なかったので何回か連絡しました。 wellness centreには、トレッドミル2つ、自転車マシーン、TRX、チェスト用のマシーン、ダンベルがありました。小さめですが利用者もほぼおらず、24時間利用できるので快適でした。サウナもドライとミストがあり、着衣ですが利用可能です。 レストランは2024年2月に改装したようでしたが、どれも美味しかったです。朝はイングリッシュブレックファーストのビュッフェで、一通り揃っています。スモークサーモンやチーズ、ハムなどcold mealもありました。 私はhalf boardという朝夕食込みのセットを選択しましたが、夕食は、前菜/メイン/デザートのコース(inclusive menu)を選ぶか、メインメニュから£25以内で選ぶかでした。ただメインメニューだと単品で£25いってしまうため、inclusive menuが良いと思います。イタリアンのお店で、少し味が濃い料理もありましたが、総じてイギリスにいるとは思えないくらい美味しいお料理でした。量は男性1人が食べて十分満足できる量です。 店員は明るく親切ですが、割と混雑しており、混雑していると対応がおざなりになり、何回も注文をし直してようやく出てくる(3品なのに2時間以上かかった)ことがありました(ただこれは私に限ったことではなく他の人たちもそんな感じでした)。なので急いでいる時には利用しない方がいいかもしれません(但しそのお蔭か、隣の席に座っていた老夫婦とお話ができ、これもご縁かなと思いました)。 サービス自体は日本と比べるとやや劣るところはありましたが、イギリスであることやお値段、スタッフの気さくさや親切さ、立地や施設の充実度などからは、とてもよい滞在ができました。またマンチェスターに来ることがあればまた滞在したいです。”
Hayley Bryson
“The room was clean when we arrived and some free soft drinks in a mini fridge which was a nice touch but the bathroom was a really odd choice for a twin room. The shower was straight onto the main room with a frosted glass door and not really room to dry off and get dressed so you need to be really comfortable with whomever you are staying with as likely they will see more of you than you've bargained for. The toilet also seemed to block almost immediately when my friend used it (just pee). There wasn't a toilet brush or anything to push the paper over the u bend to rectify it. They also take a £50 fee from a card for each booked room and it takes them 4 to 5 business days to refund this which is a ridiculous length of time.”
Chris Ward
“Great spot in central Manchester to chill and enjoy the city.”
MoRLeY !
“room was small and a bit cramped. view wasnt up to much. service at reception was good and location is a short walk to city centre”
“Fab hotel with very friendly and helpful staff throughout the day and evening which made my stay in Manchester very pleasurable. Great location near tram station, bars and restaurants and shopping. Rooms very clean, fresh and modern. Open bathroom which worked and room felt spacious. Only issue was to switch toilet light on there was a light on outside in bedroom area which could wake up other guest. I used my phone at night. Thick walls so no noise from neighbouring guest rooms or corridor. Fridge with drinks included in package. Didn’t have breakfast but used late night bar….again great service and friendly staff, great choice of drinks etc. Restaurant looked busy and would like to try next time. Would recommend and I definitely would stay again.”
James Taylor
“Went for a conference and didn't stay but this is a lovely hotel and the service from the team is great. The conference facilities are modern and up to date and the food and drink offering is great.”
Darren Davies
“A fantastic hotel in a great location”
Wendy Peskett
“Very good location. Staff were very friendly and helpful. The rooms were clean, modern and spacious. Only issue was no hanging space. The bathroom was open plan. There were free drinks included in the fridge, and I wasn't aware they were free. There is a Gino D'Campo restaurant on site. First night was very quiet. The second night, even though I was on the 8th floor, I could here music from the restaurant launch until midnight. The breakfast was buffet style. My favourite part of breakfast is eggs, so it was disappointing that only hard boiled or scrambled eggs were available. I've had much better choices at breakfast. Vegetarian sausages were available if asked for, but they were overcooked and quite a bland make. No vegetarian bacon available. Good fruit selection. Loads of different sliced meat, but I don't eat that, great choice if you do.”
Anna Pazdurova
“Top place!!!”
Graced Helyn
“Absolutely love the hotel Breakfast was beautiful Staff was very friendly and helpful Facility clean”
“Clean and great location. Breakfast is luxury with great variety”
Janet Mantle
“We stayed overnight when we went to a function in Manchester. Convenient location and a comfortable, well equipped room.”
Sarah Bird
“Lovely hotel really central- clean , calm relaxing food at breakfast amazing! Service great, value for money amazing ! We stayed half board which inc a 3 course meal in Ginos.”
Localizado no cosmopolita bairro First Street, no coração de Manchester
Um espaço onde beber, jantar, conhecer outros, divertir-se e relaxar. Alguém pode oferecer-lhe mais?
Um novo conceito de fitness com sauna finlandesa e banho de vapor aromático
Quartos modernos e vanguardistas com uma vasta gama de serviços
Fácil acesso através de transportes públicos e das principais estradas da cidade
Espaços inovadores, estimulantes e flexíveis para qualquer tipo de evento ou reunião