restaurantul dahoam

Bucătărie internațională

Cele mai bune produse locale

Începeți-vă ziua cu un mic dejun variat tip bufet. La cină, răsfățați-vă cu specialități locale, cum ar fi Wiener Schnitzel, strudel cu mere (Apfeltrudel) sau cârnați albi din Munchen (weisswurst), adesea însoțite de un covrig și muștar dulce. Și ori de câte ori condițiile meteo vă permit, bucurați-vă de masa pe terasa idilică din grădină, un paradis liniștit departe de agitația orașului.

Băuturi diverse
De toate tipurile
Cod vestimentar

Propunere gastronomică

a buffet with food on it
a room with blue walls and tables and chairs
a buffet table with food on it
a buffet with food on it
a room with tables and chairs
a room with tables and chairs
a room with tables and chairs
a room with green and white tiles and tables and chairs
a room with green benches and tables and plants
a table and chairs in a restaurant
a table and chairs outside with trees and bushes
a table and chairs outside with bushes and a building
a table and chairs in a garden
a table set up for a meal
a table and chairs outside
a table and chairs in a garden
a table and chairs outside with a mural on the wall
a table with food and drinks on it
a plate of salad and a glass of beer on a table
food on a plate next to a glass of wine
a plate of food with a fork and a glass of beer
a plate of food with a fork and a glass of beer
a plate of food on a table
a bowl of food on a table
a plate with food on it and a spoon
a plate of food and a glass of wine
a bar with chairs and bottles on the wall
a bar with chairs and tables
a bar with chairs and a shelf
a room with a bar and chairs
a room with a long table and chairs
Vezi galerie

Servicii și facilități

  • Adaptat la alergii și intoleranțe
  • Wi-Fi
  • Aer condiționat
  • Chill bar

La Meliá, organizăm evenimentele dumneavoastră