아라도 레스토랑(arado restaurant)

스페인 요리

지중해의 풍미

한입 드실 때마다 지중해의 정수와 가장 진정한 현지 풍미를 느낄 수 있는 미식 경험을 마음껏 즐겨 보세요. 신선한 현지 재료로 만든 전통 요리를 즐겨보세요. 멜리아 화이트 하우스(Meliá White House)는 지중해 요리와 현지 요리를 좋아하는 사람이라면 반드시 들러야 할 레스토랑입니다.

기타 음료
Code vestimentaire
격식을 차린 복장

Découvrez notre cuisine

Paella near Regent's Park

Restaurant near Regent's park

Spanish Restaurant London

Spanish Restaurant near Regent's Park

Spanish Restaurant near Warren Street

Restaurant Great Portland Street

Churros near Regent's Park

Proposition gastronomique

a room with tables and chairs
a table and chairs in a restaurant
a buffet with food on it
1 / 3
a room with tables and chairs
a wall with plants in it
a buffet with food on it
a room with shelves of food
a restaurant with food on the counter
a restaurant with tables and chairs
a room with tables and chairs
a room with tables and chairs
Paella near Regent's Park
Paella near Regent's Park
Spanish Restaurant London
Spanish Restaurant London
Churros near Regent's Park
Voir galerie

Services et installations

  • 라운지
  • 칵테일 바
  • 와이파이

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