cape nao

Beatitudine sensoriale

Cucina mediterranea

Un'esperienza gastronomica mediterranea sulla spiaggia

Dove la gastronomia mediterranea diventa un'esperienza rilassante, Cape Nao è incastonato tra i pini in un ambiente tranquillo che si affaccia sul Mediterraneo. Una fusione equilibrata di natura, buona musica e tranquillità, questo è il luogo perfetto per cene intime sulla spiaggia con viste mozzafiato e una cucina eccezionale.

Sulla spiaggia
Tutti i tipi
Codice di abbigliamento

Scopri la nostra cucina

a table with food and wine glasses on it

a plate of food on a table

a plate of food on a table

a wine being poured into a glass on a table

Proposta gastronomica

a table with food on it and chairs on a deck with a beach and water in the background
a tables and chairs outside with umbrellas
a plate of salad and wine glasses on a table with a body of water in the background
a table and chairs on a deck overlooking a body of water
a pan of rice with shrimp and fish
a brown cup with a plant in it and a white egg with straws
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a table with food on it and chairs on a deck with a beach and water in the background
a patio with blue and white striped chairs and tables
a table set up for a dinner
a restaurant with tables and chairs
a wine being poured into a glass on a table
a plate of salad and wine glasses on a table with a body of water in the background
a white outdoor restaurant with a table and plants
a table with food and drinks on it on a deck with umbrellas and trees
a patio with umbrellas and chairs
a table with a group of objects on it
a table and chairs under umbrellas on a deck by a body of water
a tables and chairs outside with umbrellas
a deck with chairs and a table on a beach
a plate of food on a table
a plate of food and a glass of water on a table
a plate of food on a table
a table with food and wine glasses on it
a restaurant with tables and chairs
a table and chairs on a deck with a body of water in the background
a table and chairs on a deck overlooking a body of water
a table set up for a meal
a table with plates and glasses of wine on it
a table set up with blue chairs and a tree overlooking the water
a table set for a dinner
a group of people sitting at tables and chairs under umbrellas
a outdoor restaurant with tables and umbrellas
a man playing a guitar on a deck
Vedere galleria fotografica

Spazi gastronomici

La terrazza del ristorante

Bellezza all'aria aperta

Lettini in riva al mare

Sensazione impareggiabile

Il bar

Vista sul Mediterraneo

Servizi e strutture

  • Opzioni per allergie e intolleranze
  • Adattato per persone con abilità motorie ridotte
  • Lounge
  • Bar piscina
  • Beach club
  • Chill bar
  • Prenotazione online
  • Wi-Fi
  • Cocktail bar
  • Musica dal vivo
  • Aree all’aperto
a table and chairs on a deck overlooking a body of water