

Il Colosseo, il Pantheon e molti altri tesori archeologici ricordano ai visitatori l'immenso potere dell'antico Impero romano. La capitale italiana non ha perso nulla della maestosità con cui fu costruita migliaia di anni fa.

I nostri hotel in/a Roma

a pool with lounge chairs and umbrellas in front of a building
a room with a bed and a table and chairs
a deck with chairs and plants on it
a building with palm trees and a garden
a building with a patio and a lawn
  • Centro benessere
  • Spa
  • Palestra
a fountain in front of a building
a large building with a dome and a pillar
a fountain with a large obelisk in the background
a group of pillars in a grassy area with buildings in the background
a bridge over a river with a dome and buildings in the background
a fountain in a city

Scoprite i nostri brand

  • luxury
  • premium
  • essential