
Hotel a Oberhausen

Questa ex città industriale della Ruhr ha completamente cambiato il suo corso, diventando una poliedrica città con un'ampia gamma di strutture culturali e ricreative. Un ottimo posto dove trascorrere qualche giorno di relax con la famiglia.

I nostri hotel in/a Oberhausen

a building with trees and cars in front of it
a building with a arched entrance
a lobby with a reception desk and chairs
a lobby with a large plant and a couch
a room with a bookcase and chairs
  • Sale riunioni
  • Eventi
  • Camere familiari
a bridge over a body of water with a large building in the background
a large building with many people walking around
a colorful walkway with metal railings and trees

Scoprite i nostri brand

  • luxury
  • premium
  • essential