

Construite au milieu du XXe siècle et au milieu de nulle part sur le plateau central du Brésil, elle est aujourd'hui l'une des capitales les plus futuristes du monde. Une destination de choix pour les ingénieurs et les architectes.

Nos hôtels à Brasilia

a tall building with a tall tower
a lobby with a black counter and chairs
a living room with white furniture and a wood floor
a room with tables and chairs
a large gym with exercise equipment
  • Salle de sport
  • Salles de réunions
  • Salle à manger privée
a group of buildings in a city
a group of buildings with cars parked in front of them
a group of tall buildings with trees and cars in the background
a room with a couch and coffee tables
a room with a couch and chairs
  • Salle de sport
  • Salles de réunions
  • Salle à manger privée
a group of buildings in a city
a group of buildings with a pool in the middle
a tall building with many windows
a city with many tall buildings
a city with many buildings and roads
  • Salle de sport
  • Salles de réunions
  • Événements
a building with a pond and plants in front of it
a white building with a cross on top
a building with a large dome and a large building with a body of water
a statue of a man with a long tail and a tall tower
a building with a large white dome and a white bowl on the side
a building with a large dome and a large building with a large body of water
a building with a large white dome and a large white bowl

Découvrez nos marques

  • luxury
  • premium
  • essential