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MeliáRewards 30 주년

a desk in a room with a painting on the wall

Earn and use points during your stay

Your points can be used to make hotel bookings, and you can also use them in our restaurants and spas. Would you like a massage?

a woman holding a child in her arms

In your daily life

Whenever you want, you can earn, use or transfer points with more than () partner companies and shop with your favourite brands.

a man and woman sitting on steps looking at a phone

A universe of benefits

Offers, discounts and exclusive details in our hotels, such as priority check-in, late check-out and other services.

개점 호텔

a room with a couch and chairs

INNSiDE Madrid Valdebebas

With a strategic location, very close to Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas Airport and IFEMA, our hotel is more than a destination or accommodation in the Spanish capital. It is a comprehensive and individual experience where you will enjoy the best events you can imagine in Madrid. Be part of the history of this new neighborhood in Valdebebas, perfectly connected to organize conventions. Are you going to miss it?
a tall building with many windows

ME Malta

Experience the vibrant atmosphere and energy of St. Julian's. Our hotel in the heart of this seaside town invites you to discover the excitement of endless cuisine, enticing bars, and sensational shopping. With so much to see and do, this lively destination promises to leave a lasting impression.
a building with a sign on the front

INNSiDE Braga Centro

Want to find the perfect balance between relaxation and action? Choose our state-of-the-art hotel located in the vibrant heart of Braga. The genuine combination of modernity and comfort you've been looking for. Enjoy our spaces created to offer you both exceptional moments of leisure and fun as well as productive work days. An adventure you must not miss!
a building with a curved glass facade

ME Dubai Residences

Designed by the visionary Zaha Hadid, these apartments offer a space with elegant natural geometry. Nestled in the heart of Dubai's iconic Burj Khalifa District, ME Dubai Residences stand out for their captivating architecture and spectacular views. In addition to their impressive beauty and sophistication, they offer excellent gastronomy and diverse lifestyle experiences.
a brick path with trees and lights on it

The Grand Luang Prabang Affiliated by Meliá

This picturesque resort, once owned by nationalist hero Prince Phetsarath, stands immersed in an estate of almost six hectares. Consisting of eight buildings, including a palace built in 1920, this idyllic hotel is perched on a cliff that offers one of the most spectacular panoramic views in the Luang Prabang area. Sleep surrounded by beautiful mountains and wild nature in an exceptional travel experience.
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여행 가이드

a street with cars and buildings in the background

마드리드에 대한 여행 가이드


a house in a field of flowers

카르미냐노에 대한 여행 가이드


A double-decker bus sits on the road in front of a clock tower.

런던에 대한 여행 가이드


a rocky island in the ocean

로스카보스에 대한 여행 가이드


a beach with palm trees and blue water

푼타 카나에 대한 여행 가이드

도미니카 공화국

영감을 주는 프로모션

MeliáRewards에 가입하면 2,000포인트를 드립니다

회원으로 가입하면 여러 혜택을 누리실 수 있습니다. 포인트를 적립하고 사용하거나 호텔과 100개 이상의 제휴사에서 독점 요금 및 혜택을 즐겨보세요.


티켓+항공권+호텔이 포함된 독특한 Meliá Escapes(멜리아 이스케이프) 휴가지를 알아보고 잊을 수 없는 경험을 즐겨보세요. 총 예약 금액에 따라 지급되는 MeliáRewards(멜리아리워즈) 포인트를 적립하세요.

Meliá(멜리아)와 함께 독특하고 잊을 수 없는 결혼식을 준비해 보세요

카리브해의 마법부터 수백 개의 다른 매혹적인 목적지까지 여러분과 투숙객이 결코 잊지 못할 기념 행사에 적합한 영원히 아름다운 장소를 선사합니다.

Meliá Escapes, 여기에서 여정이 시작됩니다

오늘부터 항공권과 호텔, 첫 여행에 필요한 모든 것을 함께 예약하실 수 있습니다. 호텔, 항공권, 체험 및 교통편을 한 곳에서 이용하세요. MeliáRewards 포인트를 사용하거나 추가할 수도 있습니다. Meliá Escapes로 완벽한 여행을 경험하세요.

브랜드 체험

항상 모든 고객을 만족시킬 수 있도록 설계

  • luxury
  • premium
  • essential


아프리카 및 중동

북미 및 남미

아시아 및 오세아니아