restaurace la terraza del victoria

Španělská kuchyně

Tradice a inovace

Elegance a klasický design jsou rovnocenné. Naše jídla jsou založena na hluboce zakořeněné tradici a zdravé dávce kreativity a podávají se v snovém prostředí s úžasným panoramatickým výhledem na záliv Palma.

Výběr vín
Cílová skupina
Všechny druhy
Dress code

Gastronomický návrh

a plate of food on a black surface
a piece of meat with salt
a restaurant with tables and chairs
1 / 3
a room with tables and chairs
a room with a couch and chairs
a room with tables and chairs
a patio with tables and chairs
a restaurant with tables and chairs
a steak and tomatoes on a black surface
a piece of meat with salt
a large piece of meat with vegetables and a bowl of mashed potatoes
a plate of food on a black background
a close up of food
a plate of food with a piece of meat and vegetables
a plate of food with sauce and bread
a plate of food on a black surface
a close up of a cup of coffee with raspberries
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